NeuS: Learning Neural Implicit Surfaces by Volume Rendering for Multi-view Reconstruction 链接到标题

* Authors: [[Peng Wang]], [[Lingjie Liu]], [[Yuan Liu]], [[Christian Theobalt]], [[Taku Komura]], [[Wenping Wang]]

初读印象 链接到标题

NeuS 使用符号距离函数 SDF 对三维物体表面进行表示,提出一个 sigmoid 导数形式的 s-density 体渲染方法使得训练结果是 sdf 形式, 同时提出无偏的权重函数处理射线经过多表面的问题。

Note 链接到标题

s-density 原理是 $\phi$ 是: 我们想从 SDF 获得density, 而 density 在物体的表面应该达到最大,而物体表面对应的 SDF 应该为 0, 所以应该选择一个在 0 处达到峰值的单峰函数, 比如文中选择的 $\phi_s$


  1. 无偏性 在物体表面时候权重应该最大, 这样能射线经过 SDF 的 0 面(也就是预测的表面)对像素的颜色贡献最多
  2. 遮挡感知能力 当一个射线上有两个深度值 $t_0$ 和 $t_1$ 对应相同的 sdf 值 , 那么离 view point 更近的那个点应该贡献更多最终颜色, 原因是这种情况预示着这条射线经过了两个表面, 那个离观察位置更近的表面颜色更加重要。

TL;DR 链接到标题

  • for reconstructing objects and scenes with high fidelity from 2D image inputs.
  • Existing neural surface reconstruction approaches require foreground mask as supervision, easily get trapped in local minima, and therefore struggle with the reconstruction of objects with severe self-occlusion or thin structures
  • NeRF extracting high-quality surfaces isdifficult because not sufficient surface constraints in the representation
  • NeuS represent a surface as the zero-level set of a signed distance function (SDF) and develop a new volume rendering method to train a neural SDF representation
  • conventional volume rendering method causes inherent geometric errors (i.e. bias) for surface reconstruction
  • propose a new formulation that is free of bias in the first order of approximation, thus leading to more accurate surface reconstruction even without the mask supervision

Inroduction 链接到标题


  • The surface rendering method used in IDR only considers a single surface intersection point for each ray produces impressive reconstruction results, but it fails to reconstruct objects with complex structures that causes abrupt depth changes.


  • surface extracted as a level-set surface of the density field learned by NeRF contains conspicuous noise in some planar regions


  • uses the signed distance function (SDF) for surface representation
  • uses a novel volume rendering scheme to learn a neural SDF representation
  • NeuS is capable of reconstructing complex 3D objects and scenes with severe occlusions and delicate structures, even without foreground masks as supervision

Method 链接到标题

Rendering Procedure 链接到标题

Scene representation 链接到标题
  1. $f: \mathbb{R}^3 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ that maps a spatial position $x \in \mathbb{R}^3$ to its signed distance to the object
  2. $c: \mathbb{R}^3 \times \mathbb{S}^2 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^3$ that encodes the color associated with a point $x \in R^3$ and a viewing direction $v \in \mathbb{S}^2$

The surface $\mathcal{S}$ of the object is represented by the zero-level set of its SDF

$$ \mathcal{S}=\left{\mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{R}^3 \mid f(\mathbf{x})=0\right} $$

  • In order to apply a volume rendering method to training the SDF network we first introduce S-density: a probability density function $\phi_s{(f(x))}$ where $\phi_s(x)=s e^{-s x} /\left(1+e^{-s x}\right)^2$ is derivative of the Sigmoid function $\Phi_s(x)=\left(1+e^{-s x}\right)^{-1}$ , $\phi_s(x)=\Phi_s^{\prime}(x)$

  • the standard deviation of $\phi_s(x)$ is given by 1/s , which is also a trainable parameter, that is, 1/s approaches to zero as the network training converges.

  • the zero-level set of the network-encoded SDF is expected to represent an accurately reconstructed surface S, with its induced S-density φ s (f(x)) assuming prominently high values near the surface.

Rendering 链接到标题

given a pixel, the ray emmited from the pixel as ${\mathbf{p}(t)=\mathbf{o}+t \mathbf{v} \mid t \geq 0}$ . We accumulate the colors along the ray by

$$ C(\mathbf{o}, \mathbf{v})=\int_0^{+\infty} w(t) c(\mathbf{p}(t), \mathbf{v}) \mathrm{d} t $$

where $C(o, v)$ is the output color for this pixel, $w(t)$ a weight for the point $p(t)$ , and $c(p(t), v)$ the color at the point $p$ along the viewing direction $v$ .

Requirements on weight function

  1. Unbiased

    • $w(t)$ attains a locally maximal value at a surface intersection point $p(t^)$ , the point $p(t^)$ is one the zero-level of the $SDF(x)$
    • guarantees $w(t)$ that the intersection of the camera ray with the zero-level set of SDF contributes most to the pixel color
  2. Occlusion-aware

    • Given any two depth values $t_0$ and $t_1$ satisfying $f(t_0) = f(t_1)$, $w(t_0) > 0$ , $w(t_1 ) > 0$, and $t_0 < t_1$ , there is $w(t_0 ) > w(t_1 )$. That is, when two points have the same SDF value (thus the same SDF-induced S-density value), the point nearer to the view point should have a larger contribution to the final output color than does the other point.
    • when a ray sequentially passes multiple surfaces, the rendering procedure will correctly use the color of the surface nearest to the camera to compute the output color. $w(t)$
  3. Naive solution of $w(t)$ : $w(t)=T(t) \sigma(t)$ where $T(t)=\exp \left(-\int_0^t \sigma(u) \mathrm{d} u\right)$ occlusion-aware but is biased

  4. our solution $$ w(t)=T(t) \rho(t), \quad \text { where } T(t)=\exp \left(-\int_0^t \rho(u) \mathrm{d} u\right) $$ $$ \rho(t)=\max \left(\frac{-\frac{\mathrm{d} \Phi_s}{\mathrm{~d} t}(f(\mathbf{p}(t)))}{\Phi_s(f(\mathbf{p}(t)))}, 0\right) $$

Training 链接到标题

$n$: point sampling size $m$: batch size

$$ \mathcal{L}=\mathcal{L}{\text {color }}+\lambda \mathcal{L}{\text {reg }}+\beta \mathcal{L}_{\text {mask }} $$

color loss

$$ \mathcal{L}_{\text {color }}=\frac{1}{m} \sum_k \mathcal{R}\left(\hat{C}_k, C_k\right) $$

$\mathcal{R}$ is L1 loss

Eikonal term

$$ \mathcal{L}{r e g}=\frac{1}{n m} \sum{k, i}\left(\left|\nabla f\left(\hat{\mathbf{p}}_{k, i}\right)\right|_2-1\right)^2 $$

mask loss

$$ \mathcal{L}_{\text {mask }}=\operatorname{BCE}\left(M_k, \hat{O}_k\right) $$

Hierarchical sampling 链接到标题